What are the odds for TAP ’N PLAY?
The odds of winning TAP ‘N PLAY vary from one TAP’N PLAY game to another. But the overall odds of winning any prize on a TAP ‘N PLAY game are typically around 1 in 3. What does this mean? That around one-third of all plays on any TAP ‘N PLAY game will win a prize.
But with odds of 1 in 3, you are not guaranteed to win if you play three times, because those are the overall odds. You could play 3 times and win on all 3, win on none, or win on some. It’s completely up to chance.
For more information on TAP ‘N PLAY games, refer to the rules section on the TAP ‘N PLAY game or visit the Customer Service Deck at your local Charitable Bingo and Gaming Centre.

Odds of winning a progressive jackpot
The overall odds of winning a progressive jackpot. Vary by game and by centre and are subject to change.

If a game has 88% payout this doesn’t mean that if you gamble $100 you can expect to win back $88 on an individual session. That’s because the payout rate refers to the life of the game and all players—it’s not a single player’s likelihood of winning for a specific bet.
For more information on individual TAP ‘N PLAY games refer to the rules section on the TAP ‘N PLAY game or visit the Customer Service Desk.