Odds describes the number of times something won’t happen next to the number of times it will happen. If an event is determined to have 1 to 1 odds, that means the event has an equal chance of occurring or not occurring. Craps is played with a pair of dice. Since each die has six sides there are six possible outcomes. Two dice makes 6×6 and therefore there are 36 possible combinations on each roll.
Since only one combination can give you a total of 12 (6 + 6), the probability of this on any given roll is one in thirty-six.
How to calculate odds in craps
In order to become a more confident player, it can be helpful to know the odds of any number being rolled before a 7. For example, the odds against rolling a 5 before a 7 using two dice are 6 to 4. We get these odds because there are six ways to make the 7 vs. four ways to make the 5.
To figure this out, take the number of ways a 5 can be made with two dice (1 + 4, 2 + 3, 3 + 2 and 4 + 1) for a total of four ways. Then, compare this to the total number of combinations that two dice can make, which is thirty-six.
Now, we have a four in thirty-six, or one in nine, chance that a 5 will come up on any given roll. To express these odds, you would say the odds against rolling a 5 are 8 to 1. We say this because there are eight chances of not rolling a 5 vs. one chance of rolling a 5 for a total of nine rolls. This determines the ‘true odds’ of rolling a 5.
How house edge works in craps
How house edge works in craps
The house edge in craps varies based on the different bets available, but the game is among those with some of the lowest house edges in the casino. In fact, some bets in craps have no house edge at all. Of course, for other bets the house edge can go as high as 16.67%.
No matter how you bet, the longer you play the less likely you are to walk away a winner. Anyone can win, but it’s not a good strategy to try to win back the money you’ve lost. This is more likely to lead to further losses.
The odds on popular craps bets
Below is a summary of the most popular craps bets with their true odds and respective payouts, or odds paid. These bets are popular because of their favourable odds and lower house edge, compared to other craps bets.
The following shows you the true odds for popular craps bets, alongside their standard payouts, which include the house edge. Keep in mind, payouts are standard and will vary depending on the casino. The house edge ensures that over time, players lose more money than they win.

Pass Line/Come Bet
Actual or “True” Odds: 251 to 244 Odds Paid or Payout: 1 to 1 House Edge: 1.41%

Don't Pass/Don't Come Bar
Actual or “True” Odds:
244 to 251
Odds Paid or Payout:
1 to 1
House Edge:

Pass Odds/Come Odds
Actual or “True” Odds:
2 to 1 on 4 or 10, 3 to 2 on 5 or 9, 6 to 5 on 6 or 8
Odds Paid or Payout:
2 to 1 on 4 or 10, 3 to 2 on 5 or 9, 6 to 5 on 6 or 8
House Edge:

Don't Pass Odds/Don't Come Odds
Actual or “True” Odds:
1 to 2 against the 4 or 10, 3 to 2 against the 5 or 9, 6 to 5 against the 6 or 8
Odds Paid or Payout:
1 to 2 against the 4 or 10, 3 to 2 against the 5 or 9, 6 to 5 against the 6 or 8
House Edge:

Place Bets
Actual or “True” Odds:
2 to 1 on 4 or 10, 3 to 2 on 5 or 9, 6 to 5 on 6 or 8
Odds Paid or Payout:
9 to 5 on 4 or 10, 7 to 5 on 5 or 9, 7 to 6 on 6 or 8
House Edge:
6.67% on 4 or 10, 4% on 5 or 9, 1.52% on 6 or 8