How is it played?
The goal, like in regular roulette, is to predict where a ball will land on a roulette wheel. What makes the game “rapid” is that a timer prompts players to bet every 20-30 seconds or else skip that round.
Players make their bets on individual screens without waiting for other players. While betting is a solo affair, the live spin is displayed on a large screen. Once the ball lands on a number, all winning bets are paid automatically.
Special features
- Play on your own screen
- Clear, easy-to-read display
- Wheel spins automatically every 20 to 30 seconds
- Alerts indicate when it’s time to make bets
- Winning numbers are called out onscreen and paid instantly
Things happen quickly in Rapid Roulette! With a pace that’s much quicker than standard roulette, keeping your bets small can help extend your play session.